






主语、宾语和表语:通常由代词或者名词构成;定语:修饰名词;状语:修饰形容词或者动词; 表语:接在系动词后面;



I,you ,he,she, it, me, you, him, her, it, my, your, his, her, its.

2 物主代词

①形容词性物主代词:my, your, his, her, our, their,后面加名词;

②名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,后面不能加名词。

eg: May I borrow your pen?

Mine is missing.


eg:I myself took Mary to the airport.

I cooked it myself.

4. 指示代词:this, that, these, those

5. 不定代词:some,someone,something,any,anyone,anything,no,no one,nothing,all,both,neither,either,each,every,everybody,everyone,everything.


(1)all, each, every:

① all和every可以指代三个或三个以上的人或物;all可以表示所有东西的总和,是一个不可分割的整体; each只能表示两个或两个以上的人,侧重个体;

② all和every侧重整体,each侧重个体;

eg:Every staff of the university contributed to the fund.

Two girls came, and I gave an apple to each.

(2)everyone&every one

everyone等同于everybody,all people ,指的是所有的人;

eg:Everyone thinks they have the right to be here.

every one既可以指人,也可以指物,强调一个个体,通常用every one of ;

eg:Every one of us has faults and shortcomings.

Every one of the films we have shown this year has been a succes.

(3)no one&none

no one 只能指人,none既可以指人,也可以指物,none后面还可以接of;

eg:No one failed the examination.

None of the students failed the examination.

6. it 的用法



① it 用来指代时间、距离、温度、天气等

eg:It’s three years since I saw him.

② it 用来前指或者后指

eg:I’ve lost my book. Where is it?

There is no doubt about it that he was a fine teacher.

③ it 做形式主语

eg:Is it possible to learn typewriting very quickly?

④ it 做形式宾语,通常放在谓语动词和宾语补足语(形容词)之间,真正的宾语放在宾补之后

常见动词有:feel, consider, find, believe, make, take, imagine, think, suppose, regard

eg:She thinks it no use telling me.

He has made it clear that he wouldn’t agree to the plan.

⑤ it 用于强调句,构成句型It’s…that/who…


eg:It’s clear that they have won.



1. 可数名词


名词的复数形式可以直接加s/es,以y 结尾的,变y 为i ,再加es,还有一些特殊形式的。


eg:Several hundreds police were on duty at the demonstration yesterday.

Cattle are allowed to graze on the village common.


2. 不可数名词:通常是物质名词或者抽象名词,其前可以不加任何东西,若有特指,可以加the.



①a piece of +advice/bread/cloth/fortune/information/music/muse

②a bit of、an item of、an article of

3. 名词在翻译中遇到的问题:





eg:Germany is a European country.


eg:Is this the book that you are looking for?



eg:Do you know who invented the computer?

用于乐器或专有名词前,如play the piano、the Thames



1. Obviously he was _______ by the shop owner when she was shopping in that store.

A. supposed B. supplemented C. swept D. cheated

2. The report mentioned that some important people had attended the closing ________.

A. surgeon B. suspicion C. ceremony D. target

3. The blood _______ in the body and provides what the body needs.

A. swells B. circulates C. tastes D. tempted

4. His explanation has _________ this mystery and helped us to understand better.

A. surveyed B. clarified C. surrendered D. torn

5. Many job _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education

A. opportunities B. necessities C. realities D. occurrences

6. The earthquake in the past ten years caused many buildings to _______.

A. collapse B. terrify C. tend D. threaten

7. My __________ will fully support my plan in building the dam there.

A. threats B. treatments C. triangles D. colleagues

8. His poor health __________ him to resign from his job.

A. compelled B. treasured C. transplanted D. trimmed

9. The bus ___________ with the truck on the highway last night.

A. united B. undertook C. vanished D. collided

10. The city is __________of three sections, which are separated by rivers.

A. upset B. valued C. composed D. ventured

11. The firms are not allowed to set up any trade ________ among them.

A. barrier B. blame C. benefit D. duty

12. The street was ____________ by the police for fear that there was a bomb.

A. deceived B. delivered C. damaged D. blocked

13. The economy in this city was _______ by the new investment from abroad.

A. cancelled B. boomed C. buried D. crowded

14. On _______ of the school, I’d like to welcome you all.

A. behalf B. dairy C. decade D. delight

15. He is a ______ boy because he was not afraid of fighting with the bad man.

A. damp B. delicate C. cruel D. bold

16. There used to be an old city here, which was _______ under the river about years ago.

A. insulted B. insulated C. buried D. interrupted

17. The trip to the west has been ________ due to the lack of the funds.

A. insisted B. canceled C. infected D. inferred

18. What he suggested will be ___________ to your plan.

A. infinite B. intimate C. inflexible D. beneficial

19. His birthday was ________ in a big hotel and attended by about 200 people.

A. inspected B. installed C. celebrated D. interfered

20. The windy weather is _____________ of this city in spring.

A. supreme B. characteristic C. suspicious D. sympathetic


Vocabulary Test 2

1 题:答案为D。suppose 假设;supplement 补充;sweep 扫地;cheat 欺骗。

2 题:答案为C。surgeon 外科;suspicion 怀疑;ceremony 仪式;target 预算。

3 题:答案为B。swell 膨胀;circulate 循环;taste 品尝;tempted 引诱。

4 题:答案为B。survey 调查;clarify 澄清;surrender 投降;torn 斯裂。

5 题:答案为A。opportunities 机会;necessities 必需品;reality 真实,现实;occurrences 发生。

6 题:答案为A。collapse 崩塌;terrify 使害怕;tend 趋势;threaten 危险。

7 题:答案为D。threat 威胁;treatment 对待;triangle 三角;colleagues 同事。

8 题:答案为A。compel 迫使;treasure 珍惜;transplanted 移植;trim 修剪。

9 题:答案为D。unite 团结;undertake 承担;vanish 消失;collide 与相撞。

10 题:答案为C。upset 沮丧;value 珍视;compose 由组成;venture 冒险。

11 题:答案为A。barrier 壁障;blame 指责;benefit 受益;duty 责任。

12 题:答案为D。deceive 欺骗;deliver 送;damage 损坏;blocked 阻塞;封锁。

13 题:答案为B。cancel 撤消;boom 繁荣;bury 埋;crowd 使拥挤。

14 题:答案为A。behalf 代表;dairy 牛奶场;decade 十年;delight 高兴。

15 题:答案为D。damp 潮湿的;delicate 娇气;cruel 冷酷的;bold 勇敢的。

17 题:答案为B。insist 坚持;cancel 取消;infect 感染;infer 暗示。

16 题:答案为C。insult 侮辱;insulate 绝缘;bury 埋;interrupt 打断。

18 题:答案为D。beneficial 有益的。

19 题:答案为C。inspect 调查;install 安装;celebrate 庆祝;interfere 干涉。

20 题:答案为C。supreme 最高的;characteristic 特有的;suspicious 怀疑的;sympathetic 同情的。



1. He proved himself a ________ successor to the former Prime Minister.

A. worthwhile B. worthiness C. worthy D. worth

2. Your radio is too loud ,turn the ________ down.

A. volume B. voice C. sound D. tone

3. The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ________.

A. understated B. undertaken C. undergone D. underneath

4. He comes from a poor country village in the mountains, so it’s very hard for him to pay the whole school year’s ________ at one time.

A. money B. fare C. fees D. tuition

5. Anthony is a very ________ person and never wastes anything.

A. miserly B. thrifty C. economic D. conservative

6. He is seriously ill because his girlfriend has just deserted him. Why don’t you try some occupational ________ to remove his mind from distress?

A. operation B. therapy C. injection D. medicine

7. The government used their emergency powers to ________ the truth about the accident.

A. suppress B. manipulate C. control D. manage

8. The ________ of the member countries is supposed to be held recently at Geneva.

A. summit B. summary C. suffering D. summon

9. The ghostly presence was just a (n)_________ sensation of some people.

A. objective B. subjunctive C. subjective D. objected

10. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy ,and thousands of jobs are at ________.

A. danger B. loss C. threat D. stake

11. The ________ of these islands is still in dispute and the three countries are to have a conference next month to settle the issue.

A. sovereignty B. right C. authority D. power

12. That organization __________ persons of different political stands.

A. owns B. embraces C. composes D. consists

13. We would never have secured our independence without the aid you ______.

A. pursued B. requested C. presented D. rendered

14. Women are ________ against the restrictions on job opportunities.

A. proceeding B. negative C. revolving D. urgent

15. I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite _________.

A. artistic B. artificialC. arbitrary D. mechanical

16. Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his ________ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.

A. impression B. reaction C. comprehension D. sentiment

17. We’d decided to sell our car, but then we began to have second ________.

A. plans B. minds C. ideas D. thoughts

18. The mystery guest on the show is ________ other than the President.

A. no B. none C. not D. nothing

19. During the recession they ________ the workers off for three months.

A. gave B. laid C. called D. dropped

20. I haven’t enough money to buy a car, so I just have to do _______.

A. nothing B. none C. without D. nobody


Vocabulary Test 1

1. 答案为C。worthwhile 意思是“值得花费时间、金钱或精力的”。worthy 可以表示“值得尊重或者考虑的”,用这一意思时通常做定语。worthiness 是worthy 的名词形式。worth 用作表语,意思是“有某种价值的;值得(做某事)”。本句需要填入一个作定语的形容词,所以, C 是正确答案。

2. 答案为A。volume 意思是“音量,响度”,voice 意思是“嗓音”,sound 意思是“声,声音,声响”,tone 指“音调,音质;语气,腔调;(乐器的)音质,音色”。

3. 答案为B。understate 意思是“有节制地陈述或表达;少说,少报”,undertake 意思是“承担,负起..的责任”,undergo 意为“经历,经受;接受,承受”,underneath 意为“在.. 的下面(介词);在下面,向下(副词);底部,底面(名词)”。

4. 答案为D。money 泛指“金钱,货币”;fare 指(公共汽车、轮船、计程车等的)票价; fee 指付给私人教师、医生等的服务费,酬金;tuition 尤指大专院校的学费。

5. 答案为B。miserly 意思是“似守财奴的,吝啬的”,thrifty 意思是“节检的,节约的”, economic 意思是“经济学的,经济的”,conservative 意思是“保守的,守旧的”。

6. 答案为B。operation 指“手术”,therapy 指“疗法”,injection 指“注射”,medicine 指“医术,医学;药”。occupational therapy 指“职业疗法”,即给患者创造性或生产性工作以治疗其身心某些疾病的方法。

7. 答案为A。suppress 意思是“阻止..被知道或看到”,manipulate 指“熟练地控制或操纵(某事物)”,control 意思是“控制”,manage 意思是“负责(谋事物),管理,经营”。

8. 答案为A。summit 意思是“峰会,首脑会晤”,summary 意为“小结”,suffering 指肉体或内心的痛苦,summon 意为“传唤,传讯;(法院的)传票”。

9. 答案为C。objective 意为“客观的”,subjunctive 意为“虚拟语气的”,subjective 意为“主观的”,object 意思是“反对,抗议”,作动词。

10. 答案为D 。at a loss 意思是“不知如何是好,茫然,不知所措”,at stake 指“凶吉难卜,好坏无法预料”。可以说in danger 或under threat,但不可以说at danger 或at threat。{ad300_right}

11. 答案为A。sovereignty 指“国家主权”;right 指“对某事物的正当要求,做某事的权利”,通常说right to sth./to do sth.;authority 指“权利,权威;职权,权限”,power 指“(人的) 能力,(生理或精神上的)能力;操纵力,影响力;职权,权势”。

12. 答案为B。own 尤指以法定权利拥有某物;embrace 表示“欣然接受”;compose 意为“创作(乐曲或诗歌)”,表示“由……构成”时,应用be composed of 这一表达;consist of 意思是“由……构成”。根据题意及各选项的用法,正确答案为B。

13. 答案为D。pursue 意为“追求追逐”,request 意为“口头或书面的要求,请求”,present 表示“授予,赠予;介绍,引见;提出;呈递”等意思,render 意为“给予”。

14. 答案为A。proceed against sb. 意为“起诉某人”;negative 用作形容词意为“拒绝的,怀疑的,不同意的”;revolve 意为“反复思考,被仔细考虑”;urgent 意为“紧急的,极力主张的”。B、C、D 三项均不与against 连用。

15. 答案为C。artistic 意为“艺术的,艺术家的;富有艺术创造力的”;artificial 意为“人工的;虚假的;人为的”;arbitrary 意为“任意的;武断的”;mechanical 意为“机械的;机械似的,呆板的”。

16. 答案为A。impression 意为“(人、事件、经历等留下的)印象”,reaction 意为“反应”, comprehension 意为“理解,理解力”,sentiment 意为“情绪,伤感”。

17. 答案为D。second thoughts 意思是“(经重新考虑后)改变想法”。

18. 答案为B。none other than 固定短语,用以加强语气。句意为:该节目的神秘嘉宾不是别人,正是总统。

19. 答案为B。lay sb. off 意思是“暂时解雇(工人)”。

20. 答案为C。do without 意思是“没有..也行”。



1. You need to ________ the time for the meeting or you will come late.

A. measure B. maintain C. confirm D. mend

2. All of his friends came and __________ him on his success.

A. concentrated B. melt C. congratulated D. mounted

3. The team ________ twenty young people who were carefully chosen for the work.

A. faces up to B. gets across C. gives rise to D. consists of

4. That country was _________ by the Allies in the Second World War.

A. persisted B. condensed C. persuaded D. conquered

5. The ________ expressed their passive view about the government’s policy.

A. critics B. politics C. economics D. tractors

6. At that time work was mainly ______ to slaves in that society.

A. blamed B. complained C. restricted D. expected

7. I didn’t expect to ________ my teacher in the street yesterday.

A. refer to B. wok with C. deal with D. run into

8. A sign announcing “No Meeting” was _________ on the door.

A. removed B. hung C. delayed D. panted

9. She has _________ a large sum of money from her father.

A. inherited B. presented C. hosted D. turned

10. The manager has to be _________ because he could not keep his promise.

A. replaced B. pasted C. frightened D. patched

11. At this moment, they are still __________ with many economic problems.

A. centered B. believed C. referred D. confronted

12. The conference was ____________ by one hundred experts in this field.

A. announced B. declined C. attended D. planned

13. It is believed that _______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.

A. natural B. mysterious C. moist D. excessive

14. With a _________, he didn’t care about what his friend said.

A. contempt B. motivation C. reception D. realization

15. The guests are often very well _________ by the host in that city.

A. recovered B. refreshed C. reassured D. entertained

16. The medical report confirms that the flu has __________ almost everyone in this area.

A. infected B. raised C. recommended D. insulated

17. From the passage we can ________ that this disease can be cured.

A. insult B. inspire C. refuse D. infer

18. As the price keeps going up, _______ has turn into double figures.

A. recreation B. inflation C. refuge D. reduction

19. The ______ of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.

A. remark B. relationship C. removal D. innovation

20. The factors which would influence the learning will _____ with each other.

A. interact B. install C. innovate D. intend


Vocabulary Test 3

1 题:答案为C。measure 测量;maintain 保持;confirm 确认;mend 修补。

2 题:答案为C。concentrate 集中精力; melt 溶化;congratulate 庆祝;mount 簦上。

3 题:答案为D。face up to 面对;get across 克服;give rise to 引起;consist of 组成。

4 题:答案为D。persist 坚持;condense 压缩;persuade 说服;conquer 打败,征服。

5 题:答案为A。critic 评论者;politics 政治;economics 经济学;tractor 拖拉机。

6 题:答案为C。blame 指责;complain 抱怨;restrict 限制;expect 期待。

7 题:答案为D。refer to 指;wok with 与…工作;deal with 处理;run into 碰见。

8 题:答案为B。remove 移开;hang 挂;delay 推迟;pant 喘气。

9 题:答案为A。inherit 继承;present 展示;host 主持;turn 转动。

10 题:答案为A。replace 取代;paste 贴;frighten 恐吓;patch 修补。

11 题:答案为D。center 围绕;believe 相信;refer 特指;confront 面对。

12 题:答案为C。announce 声明;decline 下降;attend 参加;plan 计划。

13 题:答案为D。natural 自然的;mysterious 神秘的;moist 潮湿的;excessive 超量的。

14 题:答案为A。contempt 蔑视;motivation 动机;reception 招待;realization 实现。

15 题:答案为D。recover 恢复;refresh 提神;reassure 确保;entertain 招待。

16 题:答案为A。infect 感染;raise 扶养;recommend 推荐;insulate 绝缘。

17 题:答案为D。insult 侮辱;inspire 激励;refuse 拒绝;infer 暗示。

18 题:答案为B。recreation 娱乐;inflation 通货膨胀;refuge 避难处;reduction 减少。

19 题:答案为D。remark 评论;relationship 关系;removal 去掉;innovation 发明。

20 题:答案为A。interact 相互作用;install 安装;innovate 创新;intend 打算。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:





Online Games

As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Extravagant Spending on College Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:





Extravagant Spending on College Campus

According to a survey, in recent years the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into the society. This extravagant spending is primarily caused by the following factors.

First of all, nowadays most of the students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family’s eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tend to need more money. Finally, campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.

From my point of view, a college student, as a pure consumer, should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Attending TV PK Shows Does(or Does no) good to Young People. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:





Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good to Young People

Nowadays, TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted a large number of adolescents. Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope of winning their fame overnight. Some people argue that these shows provide young people more chance to show talents, while others assume that attending these shows does no good to the juvenile. As for me, I prefer to the latter opinion.

It should be admitted that some young people like Li Yuchun has stood out from the numerous attendants in the PK show, but that doesn’t mean attending the PK shows is a good way to become successful for teenagers. The following reasons can support my view. First and foremost, TV PK shows breed restlessness and induce young people to hunt after fame at whatever cost. Furthermore, TV PK shows can subvert the youngsters’ values. They cling to the idea that attending the PK shows is a shortcut to success, so they may despise the way of achieving success by hard work. Finally, if the young fail in these shows, they will suffer a psychological unbalance.

In a word, entering for TV PK shows is not a good way for young people to achieve success. I hold the opinion that young people should think twice before deciding to attend PK shows.






On Cultivating the Sense of Gratitude

On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenonthat we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack thesense of gratitude, one of the countless traditional virtues of this ancientland with a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years. These young adultswere not and are not aware of the huge importance of expressing gratitude tothose who once helped them, from teachers to parents and so forth。

Personally, I deem that the root cause of students without a graceful heartis that they receive an education not valuing the moral sphere. I stronglybelieve that joint efforts from folks across society are the final remedy forthis social headache. As young university students of the new era, we shouldmake our own contributions to this cause. Imagine a world without the sense ofgratitude. This kind of world is doomed to failure. Simply put, we should joinour hands to heighten our awareness of fostering a graceful heart. Only in thisway can we build our society into a harmonious one. My fellow students, I begyou to act from now on.


On Uncivilized Behaviors

We cannot fail to notice that countless uncivilized behaviors exist in ourdaily lives, such as spitting, talking loudly, littering, saying nasty words inpublic places and so forth. All these are bad manners that we should not losesight of. As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over5,000 years, China is witnessing a surge in improper acts that every Chinesecitizen should feel ashamed of. Uncivilized behaviors by a host of Chinese bothat home and abroad have seriously affected China's image, according to aneditorial posted on People Daily's official website.

As Chinese, we should not get offended when others point out our weaknessesbut should focus more attention on improving ourselves. We should strive toidentify the causes of those improper behaviors and find ways to eliminatethem. There are a host of causes, I would argue, behind this trend. To nameonly one: the lack of moral education. The government should wage a massivemoral campaign to fight against this trend and we ourselves should endeavor tobehave decently in our daily lives. As college students of the new age, weshould take the leading role.


1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write acomposition on the topic On Water Shortage. You should write at least 150words, and base your composition on the outline given below:

1. Water shortage is becoming an urgent problem

2. Possible reasons

3. Possible solutions


On WaterShortage

No one can have failed to notice the fact that water shortage is a graveproblem with which the whole world is confronted. Actually, it has become sowidespread that it has severely affected people’s daily life and hindered thedevelopment of the global economy.

A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following mightbe the critical ones. First, with the development of agriculture and industry,an increasing amount of water is needed. Secondly, the ever-increasingpopulation is another leading cause of water shortage. Besides, the globaltendency of warming up also contributes to the problem. What’s worse, pollutionand waste of fresh water aggravate the situation.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be takenbefore things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations beworked out and enforced to protect water resources. Secondly, people shouldenhance their awareness of saving water. With these measures taken, it isreasonable for us to expect a brighter future.


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayon the topic Unhealthy Habits of College Students. You should write at least120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.





It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among youngpeople, especially college students. Typical examples include staying up late,being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attentionshould be paid to students’ daily habits。

Apparently, these bad habits may generate negative impacts. To begin with,they may impair students’ physical health and psychological fitness. Inaddition, what worries many teachers is that they may also exert negativeinfluences on students’ academic performance. To conclude, never can we turn ablind eye to these phenomena。

In view of the seriousness ofthis issue, it is time that we took effective measure. Firstly, it is suggestedthat universities or colleges should cultivate students’ awareness of healthyliving. Secondly, students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate andcontrol their own life appropriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see theideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in IvoryTower.


How do movies or television influence people’sbehavior? Use reasons and specific examples to supportyour answer.

范文:The Influence of Television and Movies

There is no doubt that watchingtelevision and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort ofvisual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects ofvisual media cannot be ignored.

One obvious effect of these mediais that watching them induces people to buy certain products. Televisionadvertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the moviesaffect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or adistorted one, depending on what type ofprogram they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn manynew things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come tobelieve that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. Itmay make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate actsthat they see on TV or in the movies.

With the ever-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take theplace of real experience.



1 中国传统节日受到冷遇,西方节日却日益升温;

2 形成这种现象的原因;

3 你对这种现象的态度。


The Prevalence of Western Holidays

It is noticeable that western holidays arebecoming increasingly popular day by day, whileChinese traditional holidays are being somewhatneglected. Old people often complain that ChineseNew Year has lost its real meaning. To theirastonishment, young people in China who areignorant about Chinese traditional holidays are crazy about Christmas or Valentine’s Day.

There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon. First, western nations, such asthe United States and Britain, are powerful and dominant in every aspect. Everything in thesecountries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people. Second, theprevalenceof English as a world language and the development of globalization enable westernculture to prevail in China. Overwhelmed by such a trend, Chinese unconsciously get involvedin western culture. Last but not least, some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign thingswhile miss our own possessions with contempt.

I am critical of this trend. China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. Inmodern times, Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted. But it seems that youngpeople no longer treasure the traditions. On the contrary, they turn to pursueenthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture. If this trend is allowed to continue, thepriceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions. Nobody expects sucha consequence. So let’s join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition, especially traditionalholidays.


Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Jobs for Graduates. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:





Job hunting has always been a headache for college students. Though many graduates are employed right after graduation, some are not. Most serious of all, some still have no idea where to go working even a long time after graduation.

The reasons for this phenomenon are various. On the one hand, a few years ago colleges and universities enrolled so many students in popular majors, such as economy, finance and so on that the number of graduates was greater than the need in the market. On the other hand, most graduates would rather stay in large cities without suitable job to do than go to the country.

I reckon this problem can be solved if both colleges and students take measures. First, they should research the market and develop special skills to suit its need. Second, students’ attitude towards employment should be changed. They should go to small cities and country. There they can also give full play to their professional knowledge. In a word, if we pay much attention, the situation can be improved.

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