


保护环境英语作文 篇一

Mother earth provides us with sufficient oxygen, water and food. She is a good mother who cares for and cares for her children. However, you see, the waste gas and sewage in the factory are discharged at will, the forests are cut down indiscriminately, and the garbage in the city emits a bad smell

If one day, the earth mother asked, "child, I gave you blue sky, clear water, dense forests and fertile fields. How do you live? I let the birds in the sky, animals on the ground and fish and shrimp in the water accompany you. How do you live next to them?"

I think, in addition to sigh and silence, what can we say? Can we tell her that the sky is no longer blue, the water is no longer clear, and the forests and fields no longer exist? Can we tell her that we have been alone because of random hunting and killing?

Now, the environmental situation is very serious. Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, and the government has already put forward clear governance objectives. As every ordinary person in real life, although it is impossible to directly engage in environmental protection, we can start with small things and me. Gu Yanwu once said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. The historical task of protecting the environment and maintaining ecological balance will fall on the shoulders of our new generation. Students, can you turn off the tap when you see it dripping? When the battery runs out, can you sort it out instead of throwing it away? Can you consciously avoid using ultra-thin plastic bags when shopping

Although little things are insignificant, they reflect your strong awareness of environmental protection, noble moral quality and good psychological quality.

保护环境英语作文 篇二

Environment is a necessary condition for human existence, and we must study and work in a good environment to achieve good results. Therefore, we should protect the environment.

If we have a good environment, people can every day in the morning up and smell the fresh air, not in the head stuffy, dizzy, but also can let a person get up in the morning won't doze off, day had very spirit. We have a good environment to stay away from diseases, have a healthy body, make people happy.。.

If our environment deteriorates, everything will become "evil" and the world will be destroyed.

Therefore, we should try our best to protect the environment and not let the good environment be polluted.

保护环境英语作文 篇三

Once upon a time, there was a clean river. The animals liked it.

One day at noon, the river burst into tears. Then the little white rabbit passed by the river and said, "what's the matter with you?" The river cried, "that day, the pig had a bad smell, and it came to bathe here. Since then, it has come here every day to bathe, so every day there is a bad smell. The little white rabbit say: "you go to wait for a while, I go to call the cow chairman to make the judgment."

The next day, after the chairman's judgment, everyone thought the pig did wrong and asked the pig to apologize. The pig walked over in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry." The river did not say anything, just smiled. "Come on, let's clean it!" Said the pig. The animals hurried to clean the stream.

Since then, the river has never been dirty again.

保护环境英语作文范文 篇四

The earth is the mother of mankind and the home on which mankind depends for survival. We live in her warm arms. She loves us and takes care of us. Protecting the earth is protecting herself.

When the earth has not been polluted by human beings, the streams on the earth are very clear, the sky is very blue and the trees are shady. At that time, it is a fairyland on earth. However, today's human beings are doing things that "hurt themselves"。 Under the temptation of money, deforestation and overexploitation promote the balance of the ecological environment. In order to satisfy their own desires, they wantonly hunt and kill wild animals, making many animals on the verge of extinction. For convenience, regardless of the ability of the environment, the sewage is discharged at will, causing damage to the underground water quality.。. One by one, it is self harm.

In life, environmental pollution can be seen everywhere. Litter, spit everywhere, trample on flowers and plants, discharge domestic sewage at will, use disposable tableware and increase the number of trips of private cars. Although looking at small things one by one, a little makes a lot. No matter how good the environment is, it can't afford the damage we've accumulated over time.

It is our common wish to live in a clean, tidy and comfortable environment, so we should build a better life together. In order to build an ideal living environment, first of all, we should establish a good environmental awareness, starting from the small things around us and ourselves. Plant more trees in the surrounding open space, decorate our life with green and improve air quality. Adhere to green travel and minimize the use of private cars. Do not litter. When you see the garbage on the ground, bend down and pick it up in time to stop uncivilized behavior. Refuse to use disposable items and resist all white pollution. Know how to save resources, do not waste water, do not waste food, and turn off water and electricity at will. We should always put environmental protection in mind and implement it.

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. A happy life lies not only in abundant food and clothing, but also in clear water and blue sky. Protecting the environment is the common responsibility of me, you and everyone. We should work hard for our home and work together to make her more beautiful.

Love the environment, start with me!

保护环境英语作文 篇五

It was getting dark. I watched TV and saw people cutting down trees in the green woods. I can't calm down after a long time. At night, I sleep in bed and think, earth is our why do we want to destroy? Thinking of me falling asleep.

I suddenly came to a beautiful world, surrounded by green oil, fresh air, very comfortable. I rested under the tree, and suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. There were some birds talking, and they were saying, "there is a group of people cutting down our trees. The other bird said, "why do people cut down trees? Trees are important to human beings. If man had not had a tree, he would not have been able to survive, and if it had not been for the tree world, there would have been no air. An old tree said, "yes! We would not have survived without us. I listened and felt ashamed of what we had done. Suddenly a loud noise came from the trees. It was man who was cutting down the trees. I took the initiative to say to him and her, "please don't cut down the trees. The trees are our friends." He (she) really listened to me and didn't cut down the trees. As soon as I said this, an old tree said to me, "you are a good man, little friend. I owe you my life. I thank you so much." "You're welcome." I said.

In a twinkling, I suddenly became the queen of a country. I pay much attention to the environmental protection of the country. People say my country is "paradise" because my country is a clean, beautiful country. For a variety of reasons, I was leaving the country for a few days. A few days later, when I returned to the country, I became a "garbage" country. I regretted it. I sent people to every corner of the country to clean up. The "garbage" country has become a "paradise" country.

"Get up, sluggard, get up! I woke up. I was dreaming. I know the importance of protecting the environment. I will protect the environment to make the earth more beautiful.

保护环境英语作文 篇六

The most unforgettable thing for me is that mankind endlessly demands from nature. Now in retrospect, people Lou is a friend, greedy. Up to now, it makes me remember deeply and unforgettable.

Human beings are not aware of the environment. People often say: it's great for children to study on a clean campus. But this is not the case. Now there are paper planes everywhere on the campus. Looking at the classroom again, it is not too much to describe it as "garbage pile", but the students and teachers are completely unaware of it.

Human beings are not aware of the loss of resources. Let's imagine that if every person in China wastes a drop of water every day, then 1.4 billion drops of water will be wasted every day! If people are used to build fertile fields or arid areas, how many fields will grow agricultural products and how many people will be saved!

Humans don't realize that animals are dying. Because humans create too much greenhouse effect, leaving Arctic penguins and Antarctic polar bears homeless and no fish to eat. Asian elephants, leopards, yugala tigers, Asian lions, Chinese powerful cats and the rarest platypus, how lovely they are!

When I saw this phenomenon again, it became more and more serious. I thought: please protect the earth, the environment and animals!

保护环境的英语作文范文 篇七

We live in a happy environment. Compared with Fanka and the little match girl, our living conditions can be described as heaven and hell. However, have you noticed that the environment around us has been seriously damaged by people.

White trash can be seen everywhere around us. Look, plastic bags and degradation boxes are not only filled with garbage cans, but also scattered on the ground and grass. Together with the strong wind, these white garbage danced all over the sky, making people suddenly feel the dirt here. Students, do you know that it is us who live here and it is us who cause all this.

Is white pollution the only environmental problem around us? No, there are many problems, such as forest loss.

One day, I saw a child walking around a small tree. I thought to myself: what is he going to do? I watched him for a while and saw him suddenly kick at the little tree. It had just rained and water droplets fell from leaves. It turned out that he was experimenting with this small tree! I was very angry after watching it! If every child is like this, the little tree will fall sooner or later. Well, how many trees in the world can be kicked like this. If there are no trees, then humans can't breathe fresh air. How many days can humans live?

The environment is closely related to us. It provides human beings with all kinds of materials and energy. It is the material basis for human existence and continuation. Because human beings do not cherish the environment and do whatever they want, the quality of the ecological environment is greatly reduced, environmental problems have arisen and threaten human survival.

For a better tomorrow, let's protect the environment together!

保护环境的英语作文范文 篇八

When it comes to environmental protection, we should start with low carbon, water and electricity conservation, and protect the sanitary environment. This is what each of us needs to do.

Now let me tell you how to save water, electricity and protect the sanitary environment in our home. The way to save water in our home is to recycle water resources and use less water. For example, the water used to wash clothes is used to flush the toilet, rinse the mop, and the water used to wash rice is used to water the flowers. In addition, we should develop the good habit of turning off the tap at will. The way we usually save electricity is to turn on the air conditioner less in summer, reduce the time to surf the Internet, and turn off the lights and TV when we go out.

Secondly, to protect the sanitary environment, we should learn to classify garbage. As more and more garbage is placed in our daily life, people will realize that it is not only the most beneficial to the environmental protection, but also the most common garbage in our daily life. So what is garbage classification? Garbage can be classified into four categories. The first category is recyclable garbage, the second category is kitchen waste, the third category is other garbage, and the fourth category is hazardous garbage. Knowing the garbage classification, I came to make a garbage classification at home.

First of all, I labeled the trash can at home with four labels: hazardous waste, kitchen waste, recyclable waste and other waste. Hazardous waste is the waste batteries and expired drugs we usually use. Kitchen waste is the leftovers we eat, vegetable leaves, melon and fruit skins, etc. when I threw these wastes into the trash can according to categories, I couldn't help thinking that there are too many knowledge of garbage classification. We must pay attention to classification when throwing garbage in the future.

To protect the environment, start with me. Let's act quickly and protect our common home together!
