


介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇一

Most of us have read Lun Xun’s articles,and so do i.He is so famous that there is a musume in memory of him in Japan.However,many people think he is a thinker more than writer.

The great writer was born in 1881.When he was young,his family was very rich.Unfortunately,his father’s continual illness made his family poor gradually,during which time he felt fickle in the world.Later,he started to be diligent.He even was admitted to college in Japan.

At first,he wanted to be a doctor to save people’s lives,but he found the Chinese were numb when they saw their compatriots being killed by Japanese.Therefore,he decided to be a writer using words to wake up the numb Chinese.He wrote many novels,such as “A Madman’s Diary”,the most famous one of his works,”Medicne”,”My Old Home” and so on.His works made a great effection on society.




介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇二

Mr. Lu Xun is a world-renowned literary figure who has published many books, such as "Picking Up Flowers at Morning and Evening". Mr. Lu Xuns hometown is in Shaoxing. I came specifically to see Mr. Lu Xuns former residence. Mr. Lu Xuns former residence is a park that visitors can enjoy for free. We only looked at two of them: "Sanwei Bookstore" and "Baicao Garden". We first arrived at the "Sanwei Bookstore", where Mr. Lu Xun taught from a young age. "Sanwei Bookstore", as the name suggests, is a place for classes and learning.

Entering the room, you can see a table in the middle of the hall, where the teacher is sitting. The students are sitting on either side of the teacher, while Mr. Lu Xun is sitting at a corner of the room, indicating his different identities. We are amazed by Mr. Lu Xuns serious attitude at that time. Afterwards, we arrived at "Baicaoyuan". "Baicaoyuan", as the name suggests, is a place for growing vegetables. What we see now is a land overgrown with weeds, and next to the vegetable garden is an old well that Mr. Lu Xun used to water. After a while, we left, not Shaoxing, but Mr. Lu Xuns former residence! Goodbye, Lu Xuns former residence! I will definitely come and see you again next time!



介绍鲁迅的英语作文 篇三

Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famous writers in China. He wrote a lot of literary works.He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that time.

At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people s lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as Ah Q Kong Yi ji .

I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a great writer like him. I like reading and writing, and I often write some articles in my free time. Though I don t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing skills.

Lu Xun is my hero, I will learn more from him. I believe I can be a great writer like him in the future.

介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇四

A thin face, revealing perseverance and strength; Two sharp gazes, as if they could pierce through the night; A head of unyielding hard hair, indicating disharmony with evil forces. This image, along with the immortal words, gradually changed from blurriness to clarity as time went on, and finally depicted Mr. Lu Xun in my heart. Among many writers, Lu Xun was outstanding and a special beast. Although he does not have the numerous monumental works, the fresh and beautiful poetic tone of the old man Bing Xin, or the winding and moving plot of Hugos novels, he has gained the support and love of the masses with his love for the people, hatred towards the old society, and his indomitable qualities. He uses his pen as a snatch and his words as a sword to break through the long night. He dares to curse, cursing those subservient and seemingly mediocre hypocrites; Dare to argue and discuss the fundamental quality of the people; He dared to shout for the numb living Runtu on the land.

Lu Xun cared for and cared for teenagers, always asking his niece Zhou Ye some questions, and criticizing him with humorous language and a gentle tone when he made a mistake; Lu Xun hated the old society and even when joking, he never forgot to criticize the old society that oppressed the people; Lu Xun sympathized with the poor people and was willing to kneel and treat injuries for a mere carriage driver, delivering medicine and gauze. What I admire the most is that he cares more about others than himself. He disregards his own serious illness and instead allows the maid A San to rest more and not let her do heavy work. His clear love and hate, thinking less for himself and thinking more for others, not only gained the support and love of the people at that time, but also the admiration and admiration of modern people.

Although Lu Xun passed away, he will always live in peoples hearts. He is willing to bow down and serve as a bull and horse for the people, willing to be a wild grass waiting for the underground fire, living for the better of the majority. He belongs not only to history, but also to reality.




介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇五

Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist. He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement. His novels have been translated into many language versions and were made into movies. For instance, The True Story of AH Q(《阿Q正传》) and The New Year's Sacrifice(《祝福》)profoundly exposed the problems of the old society. Present Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his works were elected to the middle school and college textbooks. It's very beneficial to read Lu Xun's works.

介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇六

I dare not say that I understand Lu Xun, but I am a boy who likes or even admires him.

Some people say that if it werent for necessary factors such as exams, no one would have read Lu Xuns essays four or five times, but I cant remember how many times I have read them. I am still reading them and will continue to read them forever. Every time I read, I always have insights. I dont know how much I have understood, but I know that I have learned more and more each time. Every time, there is a feeling of exhilaration. Its not affectation, not affectation, but a genuine communication with Lu Xun, the greatest author in my eyes.

The more I know, the more I know about his greatness. Someone actually said that he became famous by cursing, and I think this is the biggest insult to Lu Xun. Some people look at Lin Yutang, Yu Qiuyu, Zhang Ailing, but dont want to see Lu Xun. They say they dislike the oppressive atmosphere and the blood accumulating sadness. I remember Feng Zikai had a manga called "Carrying the Sorrow of the Past and Present on One Shoulder". I always felt that it was like Lu Xun, and only Lu Xun was worthy of such a name. Lu Xun is a cohesive mountain that supports the nation, not personal fame and fortune, or the pleasure of writing.

Lu Xuns life was consumed in constant struggle, fighting against executioners, accomplices, hypocrites, and imperial literati. It seems that Lu Xun did not live for himself, which is a greatness that no one can compare to today.

From the perspective of Lu Xuns style, his essays are short and concise, yet they hit the nail on the head, each time causing those masks that were desperately trying to conceal to slide mercilessly. Lu Xun does not show any mercy, as long as it is harmful to people, he will never let it go. Even his former friends, this is precisely the greatness of his personality. How many authors nowadays dare to speak up without fear of offending others? Even if they have to criticize someone, they will only say a few words without any pain or itching, and then be very careful.

I admire and admire Lu Xun. But now, some people have forgotten Lu Xun, and I am deeply worried!







介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇七

Short-story writer, essayist, critic, and literary theorist who is considered to be one of the greatest figures in 20th-century Chinese literature. Lu Xun, hailed as "commander of China's cultural revolution" by Mao Zedong, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. Lu Xun's acclaimed short stories appeared in three collections between the years 1923 and 1935. He also produced sixteen volumes of essays, reminiscences, prose poetry, historical tales, some sixty classical-style poems, and a dozen volumes of scholarly research, and numerous translations.

His main works are:Call to Arms (1922) "A Madman's Diary" (1918) "Kong Yiji" (1919) "Medicine" (1919) "Tomorrow" (1920) "A Small Incident" (1920) "The Story of Hair" (1920) " Storm in a Teacup" (1920) "My Old Home" (1921) "The True Story of Ah Q" (1921) "The Double Fifth Festival" (1922) "The White Light" (1922) "The Rabbits and the Cat" (1922) "The Comedy of the Ducks" (1922) "Village Opera" (1922) from Old Tales Retold (1935) Mending Heaven (1935) The Flight to the Moon (1926) Curbing the Flood (1935) Gathering Vetch (1935) Forging the Swords (1926) Leaving the Pass (1935) Opposing Aggression (1934) Resurrecting the Dead (1935)

介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇八

Lu Xuns original name was Zhou Shuren, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. H(一米范文★www.1mi.net)e was a great writer, thinker, and revolutionary. I used to think that Lu Xun was very serious and indifferent, but it was only after reading Xiao Hongs "Memories of Mr. Lu Xun" that I deeply understood Lu Xun.

Originally, Lu Xun was also very humorous. His smile was bright and heartfelt joy. If someone says something ridiculous, they will laugh so much that they cant even hold their cigarette butt and often cough up laughing. Mr. Lu Xun accompanies guests every day, arriving from 2 to 3 pm and staying with them until 5 or 6 pm. If guests are eating at home and have tea after dinner, he often accompanies them until 11 or 2 pm in the evening. It was already late at night after the guests left, and people were supposed to sleep, while Lu Xun had to start working. It wasnt until the next morning that people started working, and Lu Xun had just fallen asleep. Accompanying guests shows his respect for them, how hard he works!

Lu Xun was tired from work, didnt listen to the phonograph, didnt go for a walk, and didnt fall asleep in bed. Lu Xun said, "Sitting in a chair flipping through a book is rest." His behavior of cherishing time and striving to read makes us worthy of learning. On October 17th, 1936, Mr. Lu Xun fell ill with asthma. He stayed up all night on the 17th, panted all day on the 18th, and weakened to the extreme in the second half of the 19th. When the sky was about to turn white, Mr. Lu Xun, as usual, rested after work and left us forever.

Mr. Lu Xuns life was rich and colorful, as he fought against enemies with a pen. Zang Kejia wrote an essay titled "Some People" using a comparative approach to depict the noble qualities of Mr. Lu Xun, who had a cold expression towards a thousand fingers and a willingness to bow down as a young ox.

This year marks the 84th anniversary of the death of Mr. Lu Xun. With practical actions, Mr. Lu Xun has written a wonderful life. "If you dont work hard when youre young, youll be sad when youre old." Lets learn from the great Mr. Lu Xun, cherish time, and work hard to read!






介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇九

He did not easily appoint the golden world to human beings, but he became a mental flaw of thousands of pursuing people with burning life. I believe that everyone has a Lu Xun. For a hundred years, it has been touched by people, killer, praise, and sighful. Lu Xun or anger, or silent, or fight back, or listen to anything - still me, the natural color does not change. As the center of the traffic swirls, it seems to be so peaceful. Evaluate Lu Xun, I have to take him on the altar of some people, I am sitting flat with him, and talking.

Lu Xunben is a human, the Lu Xun is really Lu Xun. He is swallowing smoke, and he is reluctant to send as his reluctant personality. It is a bit old, it is also a bit tired. Only his eyes still release the gods of the man, as if it has been the same for thousands of years. Wear you, see all the people. I know, this is the man who is holding a dagger. He is actually just an ordinary person, but it is unfortunate. Some people have said that he is a night, yes, because he is enough to wake up, it is sufficiently sensitive. The thoughts and emotions of the tentacles can be raised so far. It is often too sensitive to cause the difficulty of communication. It is like a wall that has been plugged in, so he sighs: "The soul of people and people is not connected ..." He said a very famous The words: "Bar is a poodle." So the dog is afraid of him. Dog should be afraid, people should not be afraid of dogs. He is a double-edged sword, which is also cutting himself while stabing the darkness and injustice. So he is always bleeding, he is not afraid of bleeding, but he is sometimes helpless. "The blood of the hero, is always the salt of life in the taste of the land, and it is a salt to give life to the gossip. This is really surprised." He may sometimes doubt whether his blood is worth another Go down, we really started awakening in his faint blood marks. "I am willing to do this, my friend - I am alone, not only without you, no other shadow in the dark.

Only I have been sinking, the world belongs to myself." In my own world, he is Not alone.




介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇十

I respect the three authors most in my life: Bing Xin, Ba Jin, and Mr. Lu Xun. Among them, the one I admire the most is Mr. Lu Xun. Whether its "The True Story of Ah Q", "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks", "Wild Grass" or "Madmans Diary", they are all my favorites.

What did Mr. Lu Xun leave for us? The wealth left by Mr. Lu Xun, a huge sum of wealth, a huge spiritual wealth, and material wealth are inexhaustible. No matter how much gold and silver or gold and silver mines you have, one day the gold mountains will disappear and the silver mines will dry up. But a huge wealth can be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Someone once said that Mr. Lu Xun was a warrior. Indeed, he has been fighting for revolution throughout his life. He fought with a pen, not with a weapon! If it werent for him using words full of passion and unity, sentence by sentence, to awaken a famous Chinese. New China is still sleeping, and the darkness of imperialism will still envelop the entire sky. Lu Xun is using a passionate heart to influence and awaken every Chinese person. Lu Xuns heart was hot and full of power, so his articles, sentences, and even every word had power and warmth.

Yes, Mr. Lu Xun has been great throughout his life. Although his life was indeed short, every minute of time was spent fighting against imperialism. Why isnt it short? If our Chinese compatriots are ice cubes, then Mr. Lu Xun is a blazing flame that melts our hearts. He succeeded, his masterpiece successfully awakened us, and at that time he succeeded.

If it werent for him, imperialists would still be Chinas hegemon; If it werent for him, we would still be struggling to read the winding classical Chinese; If it werent for him

Mr. Lu Xun, we all praise you.







介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇十一

After learning the text of this unit, Lu Xun left me a deep impression. I think that Mr. Lu Xun is the best in the world, the most well-explained, and mostly loved by the people, and the people who should be loved by the people. Speaking of him, he cares about the work of the mass and compare the public. Everyone is very concerned, even strangers. Mr. Lu Xun is a generous, and treats people. This is what everyone is obvious. I still remember the last words of Lu Xun: "Forget me, manage my life." He is also for the people, thinking about the public. Can this admire him more? Mr. Lu Xun is abhorred and dark. If you have a demonic, put your life is completely given our nation, the more tenacious warrior! I often fantasize. How can Mr. Lu Xun still in the world? I firmly believe that it will be loved by the people. I really want to witness Mr. Lu Xuns true capacity. Even only one thing! Although Lu Xun is dead, his spirit is always in the world. We have to carry forward his spirit and praise. "The eyebrows are cold to thousands of husbands, and they are stepping into the sorrow." Mr. Lu Xun, I will not be in my heart.

I call people from all walks of life, learn from Mr. Lu Xun, learn this valuable quality and spirit. Spectured Lu Xun, I sincerely pay tribute!



介绍鲁迅英语作文 篇十二

Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was Chinas famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist.

He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement. His novels have been translated into many language versions and were made into movies. For instance, The True Story of AH Q(《阿Q正传》) and The New Years Sacrifice(《祝福》)profoundly exposed the problems of the old society. Present Mao spoke highly of him. Some of his works were elected to the middle school and college textbooks.

Its very beneficial to read Lu Xuns works.




介绍鲁迅的英语作文 篇十三

lu xun is my favourite writer. he is one of the most famous writers in china. he wrote a lot of literary works.he was thin and not tall. he always wore a long old coat in that time.

at first, he wanted to be a doctor and save people’s lives. so he learned medicine, but later he found the chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. so he began to write articles to wake the people up. lu xun wrote some famous novels, he attacked the social mores in that time, and in his works, many persons were known very well, such as “ah q”“kong yi ji”。

i like lu xun because i also want to be a great writer like him. i like reading and writing, and i often write some articles in my free time. though i don’t have good literary talent or a large vocabulary, i spend lots of time reading and writing to improve my writing skills.

lu xun is my hero, i will learn more from him. i believe i can be a great writer like him in the future.

as it is known to us all ,luxun is a famous chinese writer. he is not only a writer, thinker, but also the founder of chinese literature . he wrote many classic novels and his stories, which are translated many languages, were made into film,such as the true story of ah q and the new year's sacrifice,which deeply showed people's suffering in the old days.

because of his achievement to chinese literature, chairman mao spoke highly of him. besides, some of his works were selected into the text books in high school and university. i think you'll gain a lot from reading his works.
